September 29-October 5
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September 29-October 5

Published by Maddie Stausebach
Sep 29, 2024

This week is homecoming week and we have a lot of events happening, please read below carefully. Here is the newsletter with the quick info but below has the specific details for each day. 
Monday Sep 30- Picture Day
We will not have practice on picture day. We are getting our pictures done through Wagner this year. They will take an individual picture of the kids, which shouldn't take very long, and then will create a team picture. We do not have to wait for everyone to arrive for the team picture. Once your child is done, they can go. The kids should wear their uniform top and skirt, midriff, spanks, white socks, and their shoes. For those that are waiting on shoes, I should have the shoes Monday but I doubt shoes will be in the pictures. I do not care what the kids do with their hair or make up. They can wear the bow if they want to. I believe pictures will be taken on the track/field but we may have to move inside, I'm not 100% positive yet and will know when I or another coach arrive on Monday. We are starting with 8th grade at 5pm, 7th grade arrive around 6pm, 6th grade arrive around 6:30pm, 5th grade arrive around 7:15pm. If you are unable to make your time, please come as early as you can. The great thing about using Wagner is that whoever is unable to make picture day can call their office and set up a time to take a picture at their office. They will have a picture of the field and can do a make up picture whenever you are able to schedule one. From what I understand, we will receive a link with details about ordering pictures. We don't have to order ahead of time. 

Wednesday Oct 2- Regular Practice
Regular practice 6-7:30pm at Heights field

Friday Oct 4- Varsity Homecoming Game
Friday we are going to the Varsity game at PHS. We will meet at 6pm inside the stadium and I'm hoping to perform pregame on the track at 6:30pm. They should wear their uniform and midriff. I will have pink bows for them this week too. After pregame, the kids will sit together and watch the first half of the game. My hope is that the kids can see what the high school cheer team does and what we are expecting of them. The kids will not be allowed to get up for concessions or bathroom during this time. In the past, kids take their sweet time and being responsible for so many kids in a crowded place becomes stressful when they stop and talk to all their friends on the way. Parents are welcome to sit with us if you want. We typically sit near the student section. We will get in free since we will have a uniform on but parents will need to pay I think $7 or so. At the beginning of half time, while band is getting set up, the kids will be dismissed and are no longer under our watch. I have received calls in the past about our kids at games. We will discuss appropriate and respectful behavior at practice.

Saturday Oct 5- Parade and Games
Saturday is a long day for some teams. Our away games are at Ritenour HS. We also have the parade at the same time. This year our games were pushed back an hour so 6-8th grade are able to walk but 5th grade will only be able to attend their game and then they are done. 5th grade will arrive at Ritenour at 9:15am for their game. We have pink bows for October. 6-8th grade will meet at 9am at Grace Church for the parade. We are #12 in the lineup. We do not have a truck for the parade so please do not send anything except maybe a phone with the kids when you drop them off. No poms, no water bottles, no bags. The parade starts at 10am and will run through the neighborhood and end at the high school. Here is the route map. We always meet under/near the high school bridge connecting the school to the auditorium. We understand parents will have to fight traffic to pick up the kids and will take a little bit. 6th grade will need to head straight to their game at Ritenour. The arrive time is 11:15am but we understand they all may be late due to the parade. This is the one day that lateness will not be counted against their half time performance for 6th grade only. Just head over as soon as you can and maybe car pool from PHS. 7th grade will meet at Ritenour at 1:15pm and 8th grade will meet at 3:15pm. 

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