October 27-November 2
Here is the newsletter for this week. We only have 2 weeks left!
We have practice Monday from 6-7:30 at Heights. We do NOT have practice Wednesday since the gym is being used for volleyball games and a lot of kiddos have a choir concert. However, anyone that did not attend pictures the first day will need to come to the Heights cafeteria from 5:30-6 on Wednesday in uniform and midriff to take their picture. If you cannot attend this picture day then they will not be in the team picture. After Wednesday's picture day, Wagner will finish the pictures and let me know when we can order.
Saturday is the 5th grade championship game. I'd like for all grades to attend to support them in a 1st place win! I heard we will either be at Pattonville High School or Heights but unsure on time.
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